Friday, April 10, 2009

here's to you.

for the past five months, i have been searching for a job. for those past months, i have been emailing my resume out, interviewing with those big and small, rejected by way of the silent treatment. yesterday, someone finally said yes.

life is tough right now. but it's always tough. so for someone to take a chance on me, i am utterly all smiles. and i haven't been smiles lately. i have been a ball full of worry. and stress. but now, i can relax and breath. i love my industry. i love my place in it right now. i can't wait to grow.

i have tried for so long to find a position where i know i will excel. and i found one. and those months of searching have lead to me have this unimaginable hunger as an advertiser. i have had some falls along the way. but i have had some amazing shots at greatness. and i am proud of every single one because i have done them, and i have grown and been taught some very important lessons.

so here's to you, people in the big offices of the big agencies who never return emails and phone calls. here's to you, people who say i need to be hungry for it all, who say i am entitled. here's to you, people who say my book isn't exciting, and to those who say "maybe next time".

but also, here's to you, friends who said to never give up. family who prayed. people who said keep going. those who wished for the best and those who said i have talent.

the people who turned me away gave me the drive and ambition. the people closest to me gave me the determination to keep going.

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