Tuesday, April 27, 2010

glee is on and the songs suck.

essentially, i don't know where i belong.

my last post, i discussed my lack of emotional attachment to the ads i was creating, and inability to muster any creative juices.

recently, i began a new job and it has been an interesting place to begin. it's not advertising, but rather marketing. and i was very excited to start this new chapter because i thought of all the new possibilities it would bring. so i went into it with new hopes and dreams, wondering what i would become in a few short years.

but a few things happened:

one, it was helping a friend concept and work on the creative for their campaign - this was done as part of their 4A's program. and i loved it. i missed it. i missed the idea of being part of a team and thinking of ways to make a brand come alive.

two, i began looking at my job in a new way. which was how it was going to be creative in the future. the problem was, it wasn't. the people involved in my area are constantly working to just sell. the creativity is not there. and the work environment isn't terrible, don't get me wrong, it's just different.

i feel like i have to constantly play down something and try to become something i don't think i am meant for.

i just don't know where i belong anymore. or how i am supposed to make it. i love advertising. and i dream advertising. so now i think i am getting too far removed from it.