Thursday, June 30, 2011

thursday night.

in case you forgot, it's summer time in the big apple. which, i guess also means, it's summer time everywhere else depending on the hemisphere you reside in. that being said, let's delve into my life.

ray, mary's puppy, and i have been bonding steadily since she arrived into our apartment. i also speak to her like a human, which goes way past her adorable little head. often, she will ignore me. when she decides i am worthy of her attention, she thinks i absolutely love it when she licks my face. my smelly boy socks are her weakness, as are people walking/sitting/sleeping/running/smoking/breathing. just call me the dog-father.

i've picked up golf. i know, me? but i love mental sports and sports that rely on myself. i'm not so much a team sport person because i don't want to rely on anyone else. i'd rather blame myself for something than other people. unless, we are talking about anything besides sports, then i'm ready to blame anyone and everyone. that's actually a lie. i will pretend it never happened.

in case you missed it, gay marriage passed in new york. my mom, she merely glazed over it which means she either doesn't want grandkids, doesn't want me to marry another man, or doesn't read/watch the news. anyway, i'm now able to marry and divorce like everyone else! this brought a huge wave of different emotions to my overwhelmed self, and it's actually really sad i wasn't so like, in tune with them. at first, i thought, "holy moly! i can marry" and then it quickly metamorphosed into "holy moly, i'm single, 26 and ... WHERE HAS MY LIFE GONE!?" clearly, that's quite the jump of emotions, but let me clarify: in texas, we are birthed, dressed, and finally married. it's a quick process. and, it's just a way of life. it's like, the hamptons for the new yorkers out here.

but, it's rather amazing to now have the option. and i think it's going to be beneficial and wonderful for those who are just now coming out. they will be living in a world, well state(s), that allow gay marriage and it will seem normal, like there was never a time when you weren't allowed to marry. instead, it will be a nice chapter (sidebar?) in some book and then we will all remember what it used to be like. for those of us who have known both, it's going to be an adjustment. now, i have to think about marriage and what it means when it comes to that time when i eventually find someone i want to marry. i've seen my parents who have stayed together forevvvvvveeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr and i know i want to have that. i'm jealous of that. but let's just be honest and say my wedding will be delicious and beautiful and it won't be gaudy or resemble anything from "sex and the city 2 - let's do everything wrong." i have many more stipulations, but not now.

and, i'm wearing shorts to work tomorrow. suck it.