Thursday, July 30, 2009

texting is no fun.

today, i received this little gem in my text message inbox:

"hello jill this is coach robinson for young women 1st sorry 4 text you but im at work n cant talk im texting about ticket for aug.1st if you can about 15 call u"

i have no idea who this person is. i have no idea exactly what they are trying to say. and more importantly, my name is not jill.

but it brought me to an idea, typing in today's society. have we really moved into a culture that beats and abuses the english language in such a way where 'u' really is a substitute for 'you'?

my personal writing style doesn't include things such as capitalization and whatnot. but that is my style. i at least know how to spell out words and form coherent sentences.

i find it rather vile for people to relegate words to mere letters. i seriously wonder what is going to happen to our future, and our language, when it becomes acceptable for someone to type and use words like this professionally. plus the sentence structure of that message just makes me want to beat someone with a dictionary and the ap style guide.

maybe it's because i have a love of words, but i can't bring myself to just throw away all my years of schooling because it is just "easier" to type 'n' in the form of 'and'. it's not really easier. and it really makes the other person seem like a complete fool.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


since i am only beginning what i believe will be a long, fruitful career in advertising, i still have tons to learn. in fact, i will never stop learning when it comes to advertising.

last night, i was reading "rolling stone" trying to catch up on my music, when i came across an ad for speed stick. which probably won't matter to a vast majority of anyone reading this, but i honestly had to do a double take. it was the exact same campaign i had worked on last summer when i was interning for my agency!

the last few weeks of my internship were completely dedicated to the campaign. we went through all the phases of creating a campaign. we also went through client specifications: small budget, mostly print, and nothing ultra crazy.

but there it was, neatly tucked between a regina spektor article and an allman brothers piece, the campaign i helped develop, staring at me.

it's weird to look at something and realize you don't completely love it. not that i expect to love everything that comes out of my head, or have ever written - but life goes on. and to look at something, and touch it, no matter how you felt about it at the time, makes you nostalgic.

which is then quickly followed by rage because you can't believe they thought this was the best creative, and you really wish you could have stayed to see how it all went down.

and to see it in a magazine, that people read, is just crazy. i wish i could show it to everyone, to show them how my summer played out, and to at least get some sort of recognition. so i think that is what i have to learn. the recognition might never come. but that doesn't mean i should stop trying, or doing, or wanting, or loving. i love this industry. i want to grab it by the balls and squeeze.

ps, i don't have a copy of the actual ad, since i left it at home. but you can click to the site here

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

i don't really feel like writing a huge narrative of my weekend, but i will give you bullet points.

the fourth was this past weekend, and i must say, it was the best weekend i have had in terms of fireworks, friends, food and drinks.

my mom comes in about 6 days, and i can't wait to let her see me be an adult.

i moved into my first real adult apartment last week. my joy should be felt and heard for months to come.

that is all for now.