Monday, December 13, 2010

mentally frustrated

this won't be a happy post. or fun, exciting or anything particular riveting.

so, i have a job that i should be clearly in love with. i should adore it. i am fortunate, yes. i know this. but this feeling just digs and digs until it's this all controlling hole of doom. so today, my boss did something i never thought possible - blamed me for something i had no control over. come, gather. story time.

nevermind, no story. without going into dramatic detail, what happened today was completely disrespectful on his end. i haven't felt so belittled in such a long time (if ever), and it was, to a certain degree, rather humiliating.

so, i am going to move on. and just finish the year on a high. i think we all need a break and i need one now before i say something rash. you know.

on a side note, i am so excited to go home to texas for christmas! and so excited to sleep and eat and do everything like i am 16. but not pregnant.

i am also about to eat so we shall part ways for now.

ps, it's snowing. hello, winter.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

more blogging please.

i should blog more. and it's probably criminal of me to even complain about blogging more/not enough on my actual blog. but it is true! i was looking at my side bar of posts, and it showed i only did one post in november. one! it really is the loneliest number.

welcome december. it is finally here. this year has gone by way to fast, and i can't believe we are already at the end of twenty ten. such a good year. but this isn't the post where i talk about my feelings and get nostalgic. no. this is a post where i reprimand myself for not posting enough.

i don't have much else to say. i am le tired (so take a nap...then fire ze missiles!) so i will go snuggle with my 40238304829 pillows in my bed.