Sunday, April 10, 2011

oh, julie.

i figured i will write my blog like i feel right now - a little add.

i saw 'spider-man: turn off the dark' (version 1.0) on wednesday with my good friend leigh. if you want my review, please ask her because we share the same opinion on many things. and my review will be exactly like her review. it's almost like we share mindssssssssssssssssss.

my goal to start waking up early has not been a vital success. rather, i've been sleeping later and later. and therefore, going to bed later and later. this is a terrible, no good, very bad cycle of regression to my freshman year of college. and one that needs to stop. i say this, while i sit in my bed writing at 10pm on a sunday. here is hoping my early night will be an early morning. searz (as in, seriously). i need to get bikini body ready. and yes, i know i don't wear bikini's, but i do wear swim trunks and the gays can be harsh judgers.

oh, i saw an opera too this week! boy, so much culture, i should pinch myself. this time, i saw the opera, 'tosca' with laura, and we enjoyed a wonderful time. our seats were the bomb dot com. seriously. we sat in the orchestra, and were in row 'g' which is about 7 rows from the front. i actually had to count that on my fingers while singing the alphabet - thanks teachers! now, for those of you who know me, i love theatres. i have a huge affection for old theatres, including old movie houses, and for me to go to these fancy schmancy ones is just a plain joy for me. i find the architecture to be divine and so well crafted, and i often wish movie theatres were still treated with such care. instead of the whole cookie cutter idea we have going on now.

and as we finish up the weekend, i need to realize a couple things. one, i need to be more aware of how i say things and how it will possibly be perceived. honestly, and this is from a male perspective, i don't think we fully think things through. and me, i'm one to say things and just say them. i'm not a malicious person, and the things i say, while sound cruel or harsh or sassy or something that might be negative, are not actually meant to hurt. and yes, even though words hurt, i should be more aware of things and what i say. i guess, i have the mentality of just free thought, no filter. which is good and bad.

two, i need to go into yoga knowing full well my body will be mistreated and i will soak my shirt in sweat.

charming, i know.

xoxo. let's have happy days and happy weeks as we welcome the spring weather.

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