Monday, April 11, 2011

ah, spring. you've been hiding.

today was, in my near perfect opinion, the first gorgeous day of the year. and i say this because i was able to walk to the subway with a light jacket and not curse through my lack of having a heavier jacket. it was basically, goldilocks perfect.

you know those times, when you see the weather, and you think one particular jacket will do just fine. and you don't want to take the heavy jacket because you don't want to be the person in a parka for no real reason other than sheer misunderstanding of reading the weather. so, you take those first few morning steps into the open world and you suddenly realize you were completely and utterly foolish. and you are now wearing the wrong jacket, but don't want to go change because you are late/lazy/apathetic. not too light, not too heavy.

today, it was just right.

i even walked to the grocery store in a t-shirt. simply perfect.

so, let's welcome spring with open arms. yes, it's a fleeting day of bliss and such, but i think it's one we can look forward to. like, the anticipation of it all, for the things to come.

some things i am very excited for:

central park concerts!
each year, the new york philharmonic puts on a little show in central park, and everyone who wants to have a relaxing time goes. people bring picnic baskets and blankets and just enjoy themselves. i made my mom come one year, and even though she got lost (central park is not easy to navigate - even if one is a new yorker) and she loved it. if you do go, bring some wine, cheese (only brie, please), snacks, friends, and balloons to give people a point of reference.

movies at bryant park!
hbo sponsors this weekly event where you bring blankets and food and lounge in bryant park. the movies are usually oldies, but goodies and it's fun to just go chill in the night. i have never been to a drive-in movie theatre, and i imagine this is almost like it. plus, bryant park is right by my office so i hope to get prime viewing spots.

yes, with the warmer weather means less hibernation. which means, happy hours, drinks on various outdoor locations and clothes that do not cover 100% of the body. with summer, friends want to frolic more - and that's always a good thing.

central park!
sheep's meadow. the great lawn. laying out and tanning. need i say more? no.

only one of my favorite sports (aside from college football and throwing back martini's) and it's on all the time.

the sun!
yes, the sun is around all. the. freaking. time. but, with summer sun means, summer tan. and we all know everyone looks better with some color. i've misplaced my tan recently and can only hope it comes back shortly.

during the winter months, i go into my grey phase, where i wear a lot of grey sweaters. but i always seem to have a pop of color somewhere. anyway, with summer, i love wearing color and it makes me excited to see people in color too. it's like, in the wizard of oz, when they go from black and white to color (big deal back then. plus, her slippers were silver in the book, but they wanted to use red because they (they being the studio) wanted to utilize the new feature, technicolor) that's what spring and summer is to me. so vibrant and so much fun.

i've probably missed some. but i think you get the idea. summer is de-lovely in nyc and i can not wait to take off my shirt and rotate my body every 30 minutes until done.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. SO many things I love about this post. Let me count the ways...
    -"goldilocks perfect"- most brilliant thing you've ever said?
    -you saving me seats at Bryant Park movies
    -patio season
    -tennis: but where? have you actually played in the city? do we need to get a court license? trust me, i've looked into this matter thoroughly.
