Thursday, May 21, 2009

something more.

last night, i was able to see "33 variations", a play starring jane fonda. it closes today, thursday, so i was pretty lucky to see it. plus she was nominated for a tony for best actress, and COME ON! it's jane freakin' fonda.

the show itself was wonderful. not exactly what i was expecting, which isn't a bad thing. most of the actors were excellent - colin hanks is also in it, and i really like him. there are some parts where he sounds just like his dad. i mean, i was wondering if it was indeed mr. tom hanks himself.

today, i received my business cards! which means, i am a real adult. well, not really. but i have cards to hand out to anyone and everyone. i am quite excited.

i have also started a new diet. which isn't like, "new" according to some magazine or televisions how. but it's new to my and my stomach. i have started shopping at whole foods a lot more, and started eating in. while most will say "whole foods is so expensive! how can you afford that?!" i will say:
"well, living in new york, everything is expensive. so for me, there really isn't a price difference on it compared to shopping at the same ole grocery store"

i have been eating tons of fruits (pineapple is my favorite so far. but i love strawberries, and always will), and have switched to organic milk, which doesn't make my stomach make these weird digestive sounds.

i can tell my skin is a little better, and i haven't really gained weight, nor lost it. but i feel much better and brighter, which i feel is a major plus.

the only thing i need to work on is my ability to get up in the morning and run.

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