Tuesday, March 24, 2009

manners, please.

now, as a good ole southern boy, my mother taught me a few things. beating girls isn't a good idea. opening doors for others is always in season. and if someone writes/calls/corresponds with you, you reply back.

i know the world doesn't (sadly) revolve around me, but so far, it's done an amazing job. but what really presses my buttons is when i email people or leave a voice mail, and i get nothing. i mean, i could have shouted into a brick wall and i would have received my own voice as a response. but sending information and never hearing back is infuriating.

working in the advertising industry, i would hope and assume we would be best at communication. after all, we communicate with the world. and with blackberry on the verge of implanting itself into our brains in about 2.5 minutes, i don't understand why people can't reply to anything within a reasonable amount of time. seriously.

i am just confused as to where all of our manners have gone. some things should stay the same (stop messing with facebook...facebook) and some things should simply RIP (children who scream and cry in public). and it is my opinion that manners should stay. it frightens me when i open the door for a person (woman mostly. guys are on their own...unless it's jake gyllenhaal....i'm locking that door and throwing away the key) and they look at me like i am about to strike them down with my bag or fist and walk away like it's alright.

do people not do nice things anymore? does blair waldorf really exist? i am sure i have some emails to attend to.

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