Sunday, July 11, 2010

let's build mountains

So a lot has happened in the past month. And I am so sorry I haven’t actually kept up with my blog. But such is life when life happens. But my goal is to work on this more. I think it’s a good outlet of things and I know all of you are just dying to know my life.

On june 28th, I moved from my upper east side apartment to an apartment in the village. I have a new roommate by the name of mary (she has a blog which she shares with her best friend who lives in LA and you can follow her at the link to the right) and she is going to be wonderful to live with. I can just tell. I honestly can’t wait to see what is in store. And now that I have new digs, I have added to my furniture collection and I think my bedroom is officially done. I don’t want to post pictures because I don’t want you design snobs to judge.

What I love about the new apartment is the location. It is so convenient to anything I do. Work is a straight shot up to the building. And the subways, like all of them, are literally right around the corner. Plus, there are delicious restaurants and bars so close and it’s just a great place to live. I don’t think I will ever get this lucky so I better enjoy it now. My goal is to start visiting the neighborhood haunts more and more and staying away from the same old. I want to be a master of this area. Which I think is an excellent goal for the time being. I just need to make sure I watch my wallet too.

But since I am living more downtown, I think/I hope my cabs will be fewer and cheaper than living in the high 80s. and this will give me a few extra dollars to spare. Only time will tell though about this but already I have a great feeling.

Living with mary will bring a whole new group of friends into my life and I am more than excited to have them. I really like how we all have the same interests and enjoy doing the same things – we don’t mind braving the 16 dollar movie ticket, and we enjoy art (but they know far more than me) – so it’s refreshing to have that in my life. Not that I am getting old, and want to say I am old, but working in the “real world” you learn that it’s not always about partying and coming home at 4 in the morning. It eventually catches up, and you don’t have anything to show for it. But the arts and movies and food and wine, well that is what makes your life rich and noteworthy.

In addition to the above friends, I have also found a great group of friends in the working world. Which is probably odd for some, and might not be the best idea to others, but it’s great to go out with these people and let loose. Where I work can be an interesting place to say the least, and it’s very high school to sit at the lunch table and discuss the events. Not in a catty way, but these are people who are dealing with the same thing as me, so we can all vent or help each other out in some way or another.

And while work can be stressful for no good reason, I love that we can have fun with each other. We keep it professional of course at work, so don’t worry.

In big news, I bought myself the iphone 4. I should say my mom bought it actually. But I love it, and it has changed my life. Overstatement of the year most likely.

and now, i am off to bed.

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