Tuesday, April 3, 2012

the song of summer.

i've yet to ever actually create a summer playlist - i usually leave that daunting task to my roommate, mary. i have realized i mention her quite a great deal. the point is, she has highbrow taste in music, and well, i have terrible gay taste in music.

my music choices can vary, and sometimes, i like the occassional indie band. but throw on some whitney houston (RIP) or george michael and i'm dancing shamelessly in the living room with some really inappropriate hip thrusting.

but, if you are one of many to create a playlist, i would like to bring your attention to the following song, which i have dubbed THE SONG OF SUMMER 2012.

that opening guitar hook. that dance beat. your body will start to dance without your permission. it's physically impossible to not dance to this. kinda like, how it's impossible for me to not squeal like a girl when i see a dog of any kind.

so when you play this, understand you'll be on the dance floor making a scene. throw it down, just let it happen.

now, hit repeat. over and over again. and now, put this on your playlist and thank me later.

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