Saturday, February 12, 2011


two times a year, a wonderful thing happens to the big apple: fashion week. abbreviated to "nyfw" this is the time designers come, models stop eating and people who want to be thought of as avant-garde bring out the crazy and wear their closet with pride.

i know it might seem a little typical, but i love fashion. i think it is a really interesting form of art, and is a nifty way for people to express themselves. often, i always wish i could dress like a runway model (and often dream about their body...different conversation) but what i have slowly realized is this: the runway looks you often see are not made for "normal wear" - instead, they are heightened fashion outfits - not made to be copied but rather influence how you dress. basically, take a few pieces you love from the line, and make it your own.

so, because i like to pretend i am a budding socialite (i swear, if i do become a socialite, and people read this, i am joking) i was able to partake in the festivities known as nyfw. this was my first fashion show, for perry ellis. a few things to take away:

1. shows do not start on time. it's like, everyone is on european time and saunters in at least 20 minutes past the scheduled start time.
2. not all the shows are at the tents. note, the "tents" are at lincoln center and are the center of it all. the hub if you will. many designers have their own/rented/borrowed spaces throughout the city to show their line. the bigger the show/designer/name/money - the more likely you can find it at the tents.
3. this is going to be obvious, but watching a show online or on the designers site is MUCH different than actually watching it live and in the flesh. the shows themselves, they are fucking exciting.
4. the tents themselves, they don't hold thousands of people. maybe a few hundred. so to get a ticket to them, it's a big deal because well, compare that to however many people live in the city and want to see the fashion week shows.

so the show! i brought mary to the show and we were sitting in the fourth row at the end of the runway. we had a great vantage point because we would be able to see the models walk the long walk down and pause in front of us before turning around. and without warning, the lights went down, and the whole tent stopped talking. you can't even get that to happen in a movie theatre! and all of a sudden, it began. the music starts, a model appears and the lights queue to bright and it happens. look after look, the models did everything you expect them to do.

the shows are fast. 10-15 minutes of men strutting down the runway looking hot. you almost can't take it all in. but, what got me, was the energy. even though it is fast, you are so excited to see the next look, and for me, you want to revisit looks. there were some pieces i wanted to steal and, let's be honest, some of the models too. it should be like, free model with purchase. i die.

as my first fashion show, i felt like a million dollars. just walking through the main line and showing our tickets for reserved seating was the best feeling in the world. i don't know, i know i am still quite low on the totem pole, but i felt like i had arrived or something corny like that. fashion shows are just things to a lot of people, and i was able to make it a reality by actually attending one. even better, i was glad mary could join me: i feel like shows are something you should experience with people you love. kind of like, expensive wine and your first arrest. and i'm pretty sure we both were on cloud nine afterwards.

new york fashion week. it's a fucking rush.

also, mary blogged and her take can be found here.

1 comment:

  1. I love you too, but let's hope I don't have to experience my first arrest with you now. ;)
