ahh, the holiday's are upon us. i know this for the following reasons:
1. the tree at rockefeller is currently being decorated, and the ice skating rink is open for business and engagements.
2. the windows for all department stores on fifth avenue are festive and gorgeous and full of things that are impossible to wear on a regular basis. (editor's note (my own note): i have yet to experience the windows - maybe this weekend?)
3. holiday music is playing loudly in grocery stores (and what i assume to be all stores, but i've only been in grocery stores lately because...it's the holiday's!)
4. winter accessories!
5. lights all over the streets
6. as of today, the day before thanksgiving, people are setting up shop to sell christmas trees. i think the prepster apartment will be the owner of a christmas tree. maybe we should name her. NOTE: when erin and i first had our thanksgiving in nyc together, way back in 2008, we spent it in westchester with my godmother. when we came back that evening with the understanding family is the same everywhere, we found christmas trees decorating every. single. street. corner. and open for business. the smell was crisp and delicious. that smell of fresh pine that only the holidays can bring. (don't let pine-sol fool you)
7. the weather is bi-polar and currently fighting itself for attention. this has nothing to do with the holiday's, only a statement.
8. holiday movies!
now, as a new yorker (whoa!) i get to do one thing - complain about being in the greatest city in the world during the holiday season. i can make faces about tourists stopping in the middle of the road looking at...what? a building? the sun? a plane? who knows. i get to yell into my phone when i am late for something because i can blame it on holiday traffic. and those who are new yorkers all say "ahhhh" because they know what it is like. those people, even thought they may not be my friend (their loss, clearly) will all go "ahhhh" with me because they understand my plight.
the city, while amazing, is not ours right now. we kindly, gently, with some sass and a little bit of attitude, hand the city to those who come for some joy and family memories. for some high-kicking at radio city. to make their own holiday movie. yes, the city that never sleeps is being whored out and we are dealing with it.
unlike the summer, we don't have the hamptons to escape to. during the winter, we have our apartments. and, for those who are lucky - and i think that's all of us - we have our friends to keep us warm and give us the fuzzies. what i am saying, our homes in the city during the winter are what the summer homes are in the hamptons. (if i wasn't so blah i would draw you a diagram, but i think you can manage. you're smart.)
so in case anyone asks where the new yorkers are during the winter, just know this: we're not hibernating, we're entertaining.