the first thing i was excited about when i moved to nyc was the excuse of never having to drive anywhere. i was in loooooooooooove with public transportation for so many reasons, but the two most important was i could leave the hard work to someone else, and i didn't have to worry about trains. above ground i mean.
so my internship sinfully entrusted me with an automobile. a volvo to be more specific, which was probably for the best since i have a track record worse than most normal human beings. that being said, i was told to drive around in the nation's largest city like it ain't no thang. also, this was the first time i have really driven in a long time, and the first time i have driven in nyc.
the biggest city i have ever driven through has been dallas. but i mean, i used to live there and it was seriously nothing. coming to nyc and driving, man. what a way to release some pent up frustration. i could honk my horn at anyone and anything, i could speed around the city (for the brief 2 seconds i was allowed to before i would hit a car or a pedestrian, or a red light) and i could pull over anywhere and not get in trouble. seriously, try that in dallas and see how many cops surround you in less than 5 minutes.
BUT THE MOST EXCITING PART OF MY DAY!!!!!!!! i found the only drive-thru McDonald's in the city. and i used my driving privledges to take erin, ja and myself into a little place i call heaven and experience some good old fashion food.
i don't plan on driving around the city for some time. i mean, it was probably a fluke i didn't kill anyone. i feel i am pretty indestructible individually considering what i have been through so i am not too worried about dying ... yet.
but i think i will leave the driving to someone else for a while. trust me.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
leggins are not underwear.
while i understand many things, some always seem to allude me. science is a good example.
but one thing i am completely perplexed on is the idea of tights. i know tights are good for warmth. and a good layering piece for women. they also come in a variety of colors and styles, so you have plenty of options.
however, tights are not pants. like, it seriously looks like you forgot an article of clothing - your pants. or skirt. but throwing on a pair of tights and walking out of your apartment is not what i call awesome.
some might say it's no different than wearing a swimsuit. and i say you are wrong. because it's expected to be worn on a beach or a pool. but you don't walk around manhattan in just a swim suit do you? i hope not.
but one thing i am completely perplexed on is the idea of tights. i know tights are good for warmth. and a good layering piece for women. they also come in a variety of colors and styles, so you have plenty of options.
however, tights are not pants. like, it seriously looks like you forgot an article of clothing - your pants. or skirt. but throwing on a pair of tights and walking out of your apartment is not what i call awesome.
some might say it's no different than wearing a swimsuit. and i say you are wrong. because it's expected to be worn on a beach or a pool. but you don't walk around manhattan in just a swim suit do you? i hope not.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
manners, please.
now, as a good ole southern boy, my mother taught me a few things. beating girls isn't a good idea. opening doors for others is always in season. and if someone writes/calls/corresponds with you, you reply back.
i know the world doesn't (sadly) revolve around me, but so far, it's done an amazing job. but what really presses my buttons is when i email people or leave a voice mail, and i get nothing. i mean, i could have shouted into a brick wall and i would have received my own voice as a response. but sending information and never hearing back is infuriating.
working in the advertising industry, i would hope and assume we would be best at communication. after all, we communicate with the world. and with blackberry on the verge of implanting itself into our brains in about 2.5 minutes, i don't understand why people can't reply to anything within a reasonable amount of time. seriously.
i am just confused as to where all of our manners have gone. some things should stay the same (stop messing with facebook...facebook) and some things should simply RIP (children who scream and cry in public). and it is my opinion that manners should stay. it frightens me when i open the door for a person (woman mostly. guys are on their own...unless it's jake gyllenhaal....i'm locking that door and throwing away the key) and they look at me like i am about to strike them down with my bag or fist and walk away like it's alright.
do people not do nice things anymore? does blair waldorf really exist? i am sure i have some emails to attend to.
i know the world doesn't (sadly) revolve around me, but so far, it's done an amazing job. but what really presses my buttons is when i email people or leave a voice mail, and i get nothing. i mean, i could have shouted into a brick wall and i would have received my own voice as a response. but sending information and never hearing back is infuriating.
working in the advertising industry, i would hope and assume we would be best at communication. after all, we communicate with the world. and with blackberry on the verge of implanting itself into our brains in about 2.5 minutes, i don't understand why people can't reply to anything within a reasonable amount of time. seriously.
i am just confused as to where all of our manners have gone. some things should stay the same (stop messing with facebook...facebook) and some things should simply RIP (children who scream and cry in public). and it is my opinion that manners should stay. it frightens me when i open the door for a person (woman mostly. guys are on their own...unless it's jake gyllenhaal....i'm locking that door and throwing away the key) and they look at me like i am about to strike them down with my bag or fist and walk away like it's alright.
do people not do nice things anymore? does blair waldorf really exist? i am sure i have some emails to attend to.
Friday, March 20, 2009
first day of spring...not.
so, in regards to my previous post, i was waiting for spring to slap a bitch. apparently, spring, much like rihanna (what, to soon?) lost. and it's now snowing. or was snowing when i left my apartment for work this morning.
as a firm believer in warm weather, i find this whole mother nature thing quite annoying. i mean, last night while shopping for things i do not need, i had to turn away a very impressive belt because i seriously didn't know when i would be able to wear shorts. and i think that is a travesty.
on a completely different note, i am way excited today is friday. because friends will be visiting tomorrow and i will be able to indulge in some cuddling with my bed. plus, i read this amazing article today in GQ about how to drink without consequences, and i am excited to try it out. often, i have found myself having the time of my life, only to wake up in the morning wishing i could live my life without feeling like a zombie. it's a slippery slope really.
so i will try it out. hold tight.
as a firm believer in warm weather, i find this whole mother nature thing quite annoying. i mean, last night while shopping for things i do not need, i had to turn away a very impressive belt because i seriously didn't know when i would be able to wear shorts. and i think that is a travesty.
on a completely different note, i am way excited today is friday. because friends will be visiting tomorrow and i will be able to indulge in some cuddling with my bed. plus, i read this amazing article today in GQ about how to drink without consequences, and i am excited to try it out. often, i have found myself having the time of my life, only to wake up in the morning wishing i could live my life without feeling like a zombie. it's a slippery slope really.
so i will try it out. hold tight.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
spring...awakening. (ha, get it?)
i can tell spring is upon us. and i am way more excited than most people. growing up in warm places such as california and texas, i have grown accustomed to heat. and nice breezes. and i am used to having short winters that don't make you wish portable heaters would be invented. kinda like a bubble that you walk into and poof!! you are are all warm and snuggly.
i think we should start inventing people.
so the past few days, spring has slowly shown her gorgeous face. she is fighting with winter. winter is giving up. but it's kind of an intense battle between seasons and i really can't wait for spring to just slap a bitch and call it a day. seriously. i have big plans for outfits. and i want to lay out in central park because let's face it, a tan is good for the soul.
i would say i can't wait to start a running routine, but i would be going against everything i stand for - such as fast food and sitting down on the subway even if i am going one stop.
so the past few days, spring has slowly shown her gorgeous face. she is fighting with winter. winter is giving up. but it's kind of an intense battle between seasons and i really can't wait for spring to just slap a bitch and call it a day. seriously. i have big plans for outfits. and i want to lay out in central park because let's face it, a tan is good for the soul.
i would say i can't wait to start a running routine, but i would be going against everything i stand for - such as fast food and sitting down on the subway even if i am going one stop.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
if you know me, you know i love affair with McDonalds. it's borderline unhealthy to be honest. so it makes me sad when i see this commercial, created by Arnold Worldwide, because the love i have for McDonalds and their number one, or two, or three, or if i am really hungry, a number four, seems to dwindle every time i see this commercial. and it doesn't help the situation that it seems to run all the freaking time.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
now that i have settled into my new job, relocated to a big city away from my family - more importantly my mother who was able to provide fresh, delicious tasting meals in minutes - and have become an "adult" as some might say, i have come to a few conclusions regarding life after college. i will only post one of them here.
i consume food in the way most pediatricians tell you not to consume. today, i have eaten: a muffin, toast, and coffee (but the coffee in a can, pretending to be good for you but is really packed with a few hundred calories and and is actually pretty terrible for you). so far, my breakfast is sorta healthy. sorta. moving on, for lunch i have eaten oreo cookies. and washed it down with a dr pepper - which will be referred to from here on out as DP).
and don't get me started on the past few days. entire cartons of mac and cheese. chocolate. donuts. mcdonalds. fritos, sans bean dip.
i think my diet is far worse than that of a 1st grader who has a nickname of chubs and wears shirts a few sizes too small. i don't know if this is to be blamed on my new occupation of being a 9-5er, but i do have issues with what i am ingesting into my body - but i clearly am doing nothing to combat this issue. only time will tell if i start breaking out in zits like a high schooler, or if i really will become your friend chubs. but i don't think i can take the latter because i already have a double chin thing, thanks to the lack of definition in my jaw line, and i don't want to add to it.
i consume food in the way most pediatricians tell you not to consume. today, i have eaten: a muffin, toast, and coffee (but the coffee in a can, pretending to be good for you but is really packed with a few hundred calories and and is actually pretty terrible for you). so far, my breakfast is sorta healthy. sorta. moving on, for lunch i have eaten oreo cookies. and washed it down with a dr pepper - which will be referred to from here on out as DP).
and don't get me started on the past few days. entire cartons of mac and cheese. chocolate. donuts. mcdonalds. fritos, sans bean dip.
i think my diet is far worse than that of a 1st grader who has a nickname of chubs and wears shirts a few sizes too small. i don't know if this is to be blamed on my new occupation of being a 9-5er, but i do have issues with what i am ingesting into my body - but i clearly am doing nothing to combat this issue. only time will tell if i start breaking out in zits like a high schooler, or if i really will become your friend chubs. but i don't think i can take the latter because i already have a double chin thing, thanks to the lack of definition in my jaw line, and i don't want to add to it.
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